Tuesday, February 11, 2020

What Else Was Happening?

This week in class we confront the challenges of Reconstruction and its ultimate failures.

Daytime students started that on Monday and will finish it early in the class period on Wednesday. Nighttime students will ride that bronco starting at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday night.

But we will also look at some more cheerful--or at least neutral--aspects of the time period. Reconstruction overlaps with another period we'll start covering next week; it's called the Gilded Age. It was a whirling mixture of progress, greed, accomplishment, violence, cultural achievement, huge inequities of wealth, and more.

We'll look at several developments, many of them accomplishments, of the early Gilded Age.

One hint about that coverage which will spark the question, "Why is this here?":  barbed wire.

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